RC Pro Am |
One of the first weapons and upgrades based racing games, always fun, though pretty hard (like certain other Rareware games I could mention) must have inspired later games such as Mario Kart. |
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River City Ransom/Street Gangs |
Classic Beat-em-up that was in a lot of respects ahead of it's time with it's RPG elements of collecting money and shops. |
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Bubble Bobble |
One of the all time classic simple arcade platformers, great in multiplayer, and with infectiously annoying tunes to boot.
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Fire N' Ice |
The sequel to Solomons key, thuogh it isn't really that much like the original, this time you have to work out the best way to put out fire by pushing ice blocks. |
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GI Joe |
Never judge a book by it's cover, I've passed over this game many times in the past just due to it's tie-in status, when I eventually gave it a try and found it to be very high quality platform-shooter I was pleasantly surprised. |
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Rainbow Islands |
One of the more original concepts for a platform game for the period, this was like nothing else. |
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Smash TV |
Simple top down shooter, the basic premise is akin to "the Running Man" film where you play the poor bloke stuck in the gameshow who has to shoot anything that moves, includes a cool duel controller option. |
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Archon |
Kinda' like a cross between Chess and top down shooters, it shouldn't really work, but somehow does perfectly. |
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Baseball Stars |
Probably the best baseball game you could get at the time on any platform.
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Marble Madness |
Great, if not occasionally frustrating puzzle game where you have to guide a marble across the stage within a time limit, inspired later games like Super Monkey Ball. |
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Bomberman 2 |
Multiplayer classic still nearly as popular now as it was then. |
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Metal Storm |
Don't let the slightly iffy graphics desuade you from trying this game, this is one of the pinacle platform-shooters on the NES, it has the fantastic gameplay mechanic of allowing you to switch between standing on the ceiling or floor, and all the levels are designed to capitilise on this feature. |
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Gun Nac |
What more can you ask of a good shoot-em-up other than fast, fluid controls, lots of action, and great power-ups, all of these things Gun Nac delivers in spades. |
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Guerilla War |
Great 2-player game that was everything the NES version of Ikari Warriors failed to be, fast and fluid with responsive controls. It even had you playing as Che Guevarra and Castro in the original Japanese version. |
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Journey to Silius |
Sunsoft's take on the Megaman series was a great game in it's own right, with a darker less cartoony theme, as well as some of the best NES music of all time. |
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Battletoads |
One of the main problems I usually find with Beat-em-up games is the lack of variation, thankfully not a problem with Battletoads as the play styles vary considerably from one level to the next. They did however end up substituting one problem for another making the game too difficult for the average gamer. |
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Micro Machines |
This was the first Micro Machines game, and everything that made the series a success was already fully formed even at this stage, simple but fun gameplay, great, fun courses, and fantastic multiplayer. |
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Lemmings |
One of the greatest puzzle games in existence, the design and idea behind the game was just flawless, and the NES version, whilst being a bit on the slow side, doesn't detract from the greatness of the original. |
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Pirates! |
Another original C64 classic ported to the NES, this time you play the part of a captain and work your way up the ranks so you can retire a rich man, very nice little strategy game. |
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Metroid |
Ahead of is time little platformer that created it's own rich and historic series of games, as well as changing the direction of the Castlevania series (for better or worse) |
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